Trusting God in difficult times

Why we should always trust God There will be times of difficulty in life that will put our trust and faith in God to the test. The book of Exodus looks at the children of Israel's failure to trust God when He led them into the wilderness. The children of Israel had witnessed God's amazing deliverance from Egypt. They'd seen God's tremendous plagues and the Red Sea dividing. They had seen the entire Egyptian army drown in the Red Sea while pursuing the Israelites. They were eyewitnesses to God's mighty hand. God had freed them from Egypt and was now leading them into a desert without water. You'd think they'd trust Him after witnessing His power and unwavering loyalty in releasing them from captivity. But no! Instead of trusting their mighty father, the Israelites grumbled and sighed. The following is a description of what happened while they were in the wilderness at a place called Rephidim, where there was no water. Water from the Rock At the L...