Bible verses about gossip

GOSSIP Gossip is one of those things that we can easily justify, especially when we have been hurt, and sometimes it is just out of our hidden hatred and malice for others. Gossip can take many forms, including venting, sharing opinions, seeking advice, and feigning concern. A gossip spreads confidential information around. They are untrustworthy. The Bible is unequivocal about the dangers of not having control over your mouth and what you say. The words we use have tremendous power to both build up and tear down. Gossip is poisonous. There are two fundamental truths about gossip: Those that gossip to you will also gossip about you. And being the recipient of gossip makes you part of the problem. Malicious talk or gossip is mentioned in the Bible, alongside sins such as murder and envy. The bible clearly condemns the sin of gossip. Are your words destroying or bringing life to others? Remember what 1st John 3 verse 6 says: " No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one w...