
Showing posts with the label Promises

The Promises of God

Our Heavenly Father has promised salvation, provision, protection, freedom from sin, and many other blessings to those who believe in Jesus Christ. God is always trustworthy. He does exactly what He says! What He promises, He keeps!! He always hears our prayers and watches over us, meeting our spiritual and physical needs, even when we don't see it right away. His promises are in His word, and they help us to live godly lives in the hope of reigning with God forever. "And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires."  2 Peter 1:4 Let us explore some of God's promises to his children. God is faithful to his promises God promises eternal life with Him God promises us inner peace God will never abandon us God has a good plan for our lives God promises to guide us God promises hope to those who trust in Him God