Trusting God's Purpose for our Life

Trusting God's Purpose for us Do you trust God to lead you into living out the purpose for which he created you? Many of us go about our life, our studies, our jobs, without seeking guidance from God. We only turn to God when we realize how unhappy we are in the situations we have put ourselves in. Thankfully God has planned out our lives in such a way that even when we go astray he knows how to get us back on course. It is never too late to turn back to God. He will rebuild and restore us for His purpose. God created us with a plan and purpose. He created good works for us to do on this earth. He sees our needs but the world sees only our faults. We need to walk in the spirit in order to complete the purpose for which God created us. We need the spirit of God to guide us into the right path for our lives. That takes faith in God - a belief and total trust in what we cannot see. Faith is b elieving God's promises, trusting in his faithfulness, and relying on God's cha...