The Pure Heart

The Pure Heart

The heart is a perplexing organ. It is the wellspring of our thinking and, ultimately, our actions, yet it is hidden from the rest of the world. We have a tendency to govern and monitor our outward behavior, since what we do is apparent to the rest of the world. However, we often overlook the heart. Yet nothing is more essential than our inner lives. Our genuine self is our inner self. Every day, we put on masks and appear to be better than we are. God sees through the disguise and assesses us based on our motives hidden deep in our hearts.

'How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Don’t let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin. ' Psalms 19:12-13 

A true follower of Christ doesn’t behave differently in church and another way at home. No, we do not wear masks and play games. We do not manipulate behind the scenes. We also do not twist God’s Word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open.

These are the things that God warns against in Proverbs 6:16, because they destroy us from the inside out. They destroy our heart:
  1. Haughty eyes:- perceiving the world as if you're superior to everyone else.
  2. A lying tongue:- concealing the truth for your own selfish and evil ends.
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood:- exploiting and hurting those who have done nothing wrong.
  4. A heart that devises wicked schemes:- plotting things that profit you while harming others.
  5. Feet that are quick to rush to evil:- the urge to always go for what is most profitable to you no matter who gets hurt in the process.
  6. A false witness:- a heart that accuses others falsely and spreads lies.
  7. a person who stirs up conflict in the community:- a heart that desires to create chaos and division among people for whatever purpose especially through gossip and slander.
'Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. ' Psalms 51:10

There will be a time for reckoning for those who do not guard their hearts from such things. While their hatred may be hidden through deception and duplicity, their wickedness will be exposed in public. Always  trust God to protect you and punish your enemies, even if they take great care not to be discovered and do you harm in a sneaky and covert manner. Good intentions are not always proven by good words. Liars and flatterers are out to damage you, regardless of how appealing their words or reasons sound.

"People may be pure in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their motives." Proverbs 16:2

Jesus said: “The things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, Out of the heart come evil thoughts. What originates in the secrecy of our hearts won’t always remain a secret. It eventually makes its way into our homes, offices, friendships, and communities. The condition of your heart depends on the things you allow into your heart. These things shape your thoughts and attitudes, which in turn shape the core of your being. They shape your perception of your purpose for life. 

"Without wood a fire goes out; without gossips, conflict calms down." Proverbs 26:20

Some people allow greed to enter their hearts, and they end up living only to make more and more money, amassing untold wealth and earthly possessions and never desiring to share with the needy. The purpose for their life is to be rich. When wrong things in our hearts go unattended, they will become firmly rooted and difficult to deal with. This will have a detrimental impact on your capacity to live in accordance with God's purpose for your life; to live as God intended for you. Have you ever heard of someone being described as having a "black heart"? A black heart, according the English dictionary, describes someone or something seen as innately evil or fundamentally corrupt. We must ask our Father for help to watch over, understand, and purify our hearts; to create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us.

"Out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adultery, sexual sins, thefts, false testimonies, and insults. These contaminate a person in God’s sight." Matthew 15:19-20a

True Friendships

"The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

God has placed good people in your life, and you will recognize them by their fruit. In your journey of living a life full of purpose, consider then those that make time for you, guard your reputation, maintain secrecy, and will not use information against you, as well as those who urge you to be more like Christ. Ask God in prayer, that he would bring the right people into your life; People with these character traits - integrity, honesty, humility, intelligence, and trustworthiness. Most of these character traits are rooted in what Scripture describes as the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 talks about the character of the right people: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

"A slanderer walks around revealing secrets, but a trustworthy person keeps a confidence." Proverbs 11:13

But what happens when we live God's way inside the framework of his plan and purpose for our lives? When we live inside God's purpose for our life, He brings gifts into our lives in the same way that fruit grows in an orchard—things like affection for others, joy in life, and serenity. We build a willingness to persevere and a sense of compassion in our hearts. We find ourselves engaged in loyal commitments, no longer needing to force our way through life, and capable of marshaling and directing our efforts wisely.

Another thing to avoid allowing to happen along the way is the interjection of a spirit of jealousy. Nip this spirit in the bud. 

"Hateful people mislead with their lips, keeping their deception within." Proverbs 26:24

There is a friend who is closer than a brother, his name is Jesus. The things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart. Keep away from complainers, gossips, criticizers and fault finders. They cannot help you grow or help you live in God's purpose for your life. God is concerned with the spiritual state of our hearts, and he assesses us based on our motivations. 

"Don’t let any foul words come out of your mouth. Only say what is helpful when it is needed for building up the community so that it benefits those who hear what you say. Don’t make the Holy Spirit of God unhappy—you were sealed by him for the day of redemption. Put aside all bitterness, losing your temper, anger, shouting, and slander, along with every other evil. Be kind, compassionate, and forgiving to each other, in the same way God forgave you in Christ." Ephesians 4:29-32

The heart is the seat of emotions. God desires that we have a pure heart. A heart that desires nothing more than to be with God because that is ultimately what our lives should be about. That is our purpose for life. We have to constantly live in the Spirit to keep our hearts clean.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23

Man judges by outward appearance, but God sees what is hidden in your heart.

Prayer for my heart

Lord, help me to live my life with the goal of uplifting rather than discouraging people; enable me to be an encourager rather than a discourager. Lord, help me to always think the best of people rather than the worst. Lord, please assist me to live a life of devotion to You so that my ego isn't so inflated that I can't see past my own needs and desires. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8


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