Is Homosexuality a Sin?

Homosexuality When you search the question 'Is Homosexuality a Sin?' on Google, the first page contains answers that say homosexuality is not a sin. So, what does the Bible say about homosexuality? In the book of Romans, Paul wrote about God's Anger at Sin. In the first chapter and the eighteenth verse, he writes: " But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness." Romans 1:18 He was referring to people who knew the truth about God but chose to worship man-made idols rather than the true living God. These people made the decision to make themselves a law unto themselves. As a result, God left them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they committed heinous and degrading acts on each other's bodies. In the following verses, Paul goes on to describe the heinous things they did with each other's bodies: Romans 1:26–27 "That is why God abandoned them to their sha...